Sunday, June 11, 2017

Adventure #55 - Ab-DUCT-Taped To A Wall For Some Quality Time!

 Oh my, Little Miss Trudy. What have you been up to while I was away.

 [Trudy pouts]

Mister British Narrator Guy, I missed my family and frands!  I didn't see them all for a long time. This way, they don't have to leave for evers and evers! 

Ahem. Yes well I understand that, little one, but did you just talk to them all about how you felt? I mean it is just summer time. People have vacation...and  I mean it IS a bit much to keep them in the seemingly abandoned backyard next door?

No ..but, but... this way I know for sure they don't have to leave. I have thought of everything. I gave them each walkie talkies so they can call meh  if they need potty breaks.

They look like they want to come down...

What? Nuuuuh. It's only been  5 minutes!! And, and they didn't even get to see what I did for them.

See! I gots them food and lots of drinks.    And I can entertain them!! I've been practicing to play drums! We can rock out. and I've got ... 

 ...Puppet fingers!!!

Little Miss Trudy, let your siblings and your friend go this instant!

[Trudy huffs]


Trudy is wearing...
Buesy - Vida Hair

Mandala -  Ohoshisama Earrings

Paper Damsels - Kaity Outfit - Black/White
Boogers - Finger Puppets
Breaux Jr - Walkie Talkies

[BOX] Twilight Angel Kite

BoWillow - Succulent Bottles

 Dust bunny - Berry cake (expired gift)
Dust bunny - Summer Picnic - Deli Sandwiches
Dust bunny - Summer Picnic  - Picnic Basket RARE

Foxhole - Kitchen Drums (animated)

Junk Food - Giant Pizza Bucket
Junk Food - Giant cookie Bucket

Kitterdoodle - Treehouse Kit (make your own treehouse)
Lost Junction - Cutie Cupcakes! Cupcake Giver!
Lost Junction -  Chipsters - Chippers - Pizza (rez)

Made With Love -  Blue Customizable Pinboard

We're Closed - Lush Grass Field
 Zo Awesum - Swing Set Club House
Zo Awesum - See Saw Club House
Zo Awesum - Round About Club

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