Friday, June 30, 2017

Photo-Op #96: Super Tru - Saving The World One Babysitter At A Time UNEXCEPTABLE!!!

First, you feed Archer,Ori and I vegetables for dinner!!!
Me and my poor siblings!

  Look at poor Bubby. He's yucked out to his stomach! He's never had such a sickenly healthy meal before!!! 

Then you DARE entertain me and my sibs with circus clown tricks??? are sooooooooooo fired babysitter man!!!

Featured Items:

BabyBurp & Foxhole -  Fox Bike - Blue
Available now at The Toddleedoo Fair  

DP Yumyum - 94 Hair 

Paper Damsels & Boogers - Cape T-shirt - Yellow

Peaches 'n Cream - Popcorn Decor
Peaches 'n Cream - Toddlee Circus Stand
Peaches 'N Cream - Toddlee Circus Tent

Your Dreams -  Cute Baby Octopus - King
Your Dreams -  Cute Baby Octopus - Two colors

 Also wearing

Toddleedoo - Baby Bento Mesh Head - Moon
  Now at The Toddleedoo Fair 

Dorks - Jesalynn Skin - Monae shade (omega applier used)
Now at The Toddleedoo Fair 


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Photo-Op #815 - A Radiant Lurking

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