Thursday, June 1, 2017

Photo-Op#88 - Diva Explorer

Trudy is wearing...

Beusy - Vida Hair

Erratic - Aea GACHA -  Rose -  Pearl Earrings

Clove - Deliah Outfit - Briar Rose
In-store at a discount price starting June 3rd for Shop-Hop Week!

Dorks - Fringe Bag - Boho Chic Fringe Bag - Rose

Toddleteez - Country Charm Boots

Paper Damsels -  Ella Bento Rings - (requires latest Toddleedoo bento friendly body)

Trudy was visiting  Majestic Weddings

Did You Know?
SHOP HOP is a brand new event that opens the first Saturday of each month and runs for only 1 week.  This round starts June 3rd and ends on June 10th. All items will be marked 100L or less during this sale period and return to full price after.
Shoppers will need to use a HUD to Teleport to participating stores. Please join the Shop Hop group to obtain the  free hud :
The icing on the cake? You get a free gift  at the end as a thank you for visiting all the stores.
To receive the prize, you must visit each store for at least 1 minute. You can then teleport to the Shop Hop headquarters to get the prize.

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Photo-Op #815 - A Radiant Lurking

- Wearing - Celesticat - Cosmic Eyes Vae Victis - "Atropa" - Eye Flower Vae Victis - "Moloch" - Diabolic Horns Vae Vict...