Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Adventure# 33 - Mime Your Manners!

Little Miss Trudy and her sweet friend Kai are playing at being mimes!

I must say, this is the quietest I have ever heard Trudy

Even more so than when she's asleep. The little darling has the most adorable snore...

 I do NOT snore!!!!

Hush Miss Trudy! Remember! Mimes do not speak! They speak with their actions

[BNG can be heard chuckling as Trudy shakes her tiny fist at him, a scowl upon her adorable visage. Kai covers her mouth and silently giggles.]
 Trudy is wearing ...

Forever Young - Fresh Curls

Boomerang - Mimi Outfit 
Available now at Tous Les Enfants


Cookie Dough - Doggy GACHA - Common 1
Now available at ATP
Fawny - Wonderful Pandas GACHA - Décor 3

Digs - Skyline Relief Block - Paris

Floorplan - Species Silhouette - Panda

Half-Deer - Panda Stool - TGGS Anniversary Edition

Dust Bunny - Summer Picnic - Peach Cake, Picnic Basket-Rare

Boogers - Sad Panda - Black 

Be sure to check out the many offerings from the amazing designers at ATP This event runs the 1st- the 25th. 

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