Friday, October 28, 2016

Adventure # 43 - The Fight For the Great Pumpkin Car

[Please note that Mister British Narrator Guy has now acquired the wonderful voice of the late Alan Rickman from this moment on :)]

Hmm yes... you're probably wondering what reason these two would have to be going at each other with giant marshmellow sticks. It is Certainly not with the intention of making some smores, I can assure you. You see that Boogers Pumpkin Car in the corner there?

These two decided only one of them would have the privilege of driving it for the first time. They were quite taken with the sound it  makes when driven, you see. Since I was available, Little Miss  Trudy requested (ordered) me to officiate their battle.

Now...while I know that little vehicle is available at Trunk or Treat as a delightful free gift that they both can acquire at the same time, I won't be the one to interfere with their fun.

Besides...while they are distracted, I get to help myself to these deliciously horrific treats! Mmm!

Trudy is wearing ...

Tiptoes - Little Skeleton
(Comes in multiple colors with a face paint applier for both cutebytes and bad seed heads)

Gimmick - Marshmellow Whackers - free gift @ Trunk or Treat
(animated - gently 'boops' your target)


Boogers -  Pumpkin Car 
(in adult and kid sizes) 

 Bunbun & Dream - GACHA - Halloween Party - Cauldron Punch RARE
 Bunbun & Dream - GACHA -  Halloween Party - Pumpkin Pie
 Bunbun & Dream - GACHA -  Halloween Party - Spiderweb Table
 Bunbun & Dream - GACHA -  Halloween Party - White Pumpkins
 Bunbun & Dream - GACHA -  Halloween Party - Traditional Donuts

Cutebytes - My Ballooney - BOO

Freebird - Halloween Cookie Plate

LostJunction - GACHA - Gothic Luncheon - Choco-Banana Ghosts
LostJunction - GACHA -  Gothic Luncheon - Spooky Cookies 
Prefabrica -Gift Box Set - full perm freebie 0L

Lagom - Spooky Ghosties - [Iamlight]
Lagom - Spooky Ghosties - Lights

Organica - Candy Parasol - Black & Orange

Pose ...

Click - Sword Fight

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Adventure # 42 - L'eggo My Sissums and Brobro!!

 You're probably tuning in at this moment and wondering, what in the world is happening here!?

Well Little Miss Trudy was playing in the back ground in her new fort.

She named it in tribute after watching a certain show as there was one JUST like it that she liked for some reason.

She stayed in there rain ...

 ...or shine for about an hour eating nothing but Eggo Waffles and milk because she said :

" I'm alone in the upside-down, Mr British Narrator Guy!"

I was rather worried, unsure as to what that meant, of course. Thank goodness her siblings rallied in and brought her more waffles and she was no longer alone. She perked right up upon their arrival to her fort.

But, oh my, it seems they've run into some sort of trouble!

And what's this??? 

Trudy has ...powers??

[SPECIAL THANKS : To my awesome sibs, Archer, Kai and West for truly coming to my rescue on this shot in a moment of blogger's block! Archer made my "back off" pose and they all took time to pose with me! Best sibs a tot can ask for!] 

**Shout out to Love Bugs for providing fun Stranger Things gestures that was part of my inspiration. Get you some at Trunk or Treat **

Trudy is wearing...
Mouthie - Waffle - Waffle  Nom Nom

Izzie's  - Nosebleed - Omega Applier

Cardigan and Dress - Sugar & Spice  - Gabbie 
(Comes as seperates, each in 3 colors)
For sale @  Penumbra Fashion
Sugar and Spice Fashion show at 3pm SLT 10/26/16

Fort - Junk Food - Castle Byers - Trunk or Treat Freebie! 0L
Furniture - Dustbunny - Darling Sectional Cushion w/blanket

Get your trick or treat on at  Trunk or Treat  till Nov. 4. Not only is there Halloween themed newness from some of your favorite kid brands, but each vendor offers a free gift. And wait...then there's a scavenger hunt!!!? Whaaaaaa? Mmhmmm!

Trudy was visiting the forest at Haunted Hills 

Brought to you by BoWillow and friends, you don't want to miss this spot for Halloween! Come over for a scary good time via a hunt featuring free stuff and additional cool items at 25l ! The fun is real!

Monday, October 24, 2016

Photo- Op #30 - Cat and The Fiddle @ Penumbra!

Appearing Left to Right
Each outfit includes hair accessory and shoes

Outfit #1 Dots and Skulls
Outfit #2 Gothy Girl
Outfit #3 Dia De Los Muertos
Outfit #4 Skulls and Crossed Bows

 - additional accessories previously blogged -

Magika - Honey Whiskey (Hair)
Sugar and Spice - Knotted Black Necklace  (From Halloween Top set)
Wild Flowers - Lenore Skully Clip
Wishes - Skully Headband

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Adventure #41 - Join Us... at Trunk or Treat!!!

Oh my... Little Miss Trudy is simply excited about Trunk or Treat. It is opening  soon you know 12 midnight Oct 24, 2016. 

SO excited that she hosted a ghoulish sleep over with new friends.

Is it imagination or does that little boy doll, peeking out,  look particularly...frightened? So alive, eyes almost say "Help Me."  Alas...we won't hear a peep from him mouth sewn on after all.

[We hear Trudy giggling with sinister glee before saying in creepy sing song]

Boys...have cooties. He's lucky I let him ...joooooin us.

Trudy's wearing...

Doe - Quirk - Hair

Hebenon Vial - Skeleton  Key Earrings (Old gift)

Toddleedoo - CreepyDoll (freebie hunt item at store for a very short time)

Wildflowers - Lenore 
- Includes Skully hair clip, socks and Mary Janes
 - Comes in a pastel and dark pack, 10 colors in all!

Wildflowers - Ragamuffin - 0L gift 
Available now at Trunk or Treat

Decor ...

DRD - GACHA - MM2 - Jaimy's Pile of Junk

- From  Remarkable Oblivion - GACHA - Doll Maker -

Pram - rare

Cabinet - rare

Bloody Mary

Evil Lynn Doll

Eyeris Doll

Iva Plague  Doll

Misty Marsh - Doll

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Photo-Op # 29 - Sweet Tots @ Penumbra

Little Miss Trudy is quite excited. Penumbra Fashion Week is back and you know what that means!

[Trudy is heard squealing in the background]

I can't wait to see the fashion show!! Lots and lots of new clothes! Mister British Narrator Guy! Get the camera please!

[BNG can be heard sighing]

Outfit 1

Pink Hustler - 8154 Hair w/Pompons

Pink Hustler - Pompons Earrings - Previous SanaRae gift

Epic - GACHA -  Kawaii Heart SHield Sunglasses - Baby Pink

Toddleteez - Expressions Bracelets (Past GACHA)

Sweet Tots - Touchdown Princess
 Includes Hair Puff (seen here as shoulder accessory, shirt, skirt, socks, shoes and football purse

Yummy - Chunky Heart and Key - Gold

Trudy visited Petit Village

 2nd Outfit

Wasabi Pills - Claudette

SweetTots - Milk Man
Includes hat, top and bottom as well as milk bottles

Trudy visited Netherwoods

 Toddleedoo Experience Fashion Show starts : Saturday, October 22, 2016 

Monday, October 17, 2016

Photo-Op #28 Hallow, Diva!

Trudy is wearing...
Adolescents - Greyscale Faux Fur Coat

BoWillow - Goth Rings (babies and kids)

BoWillow - Crescent Halloween Moon - Hand Jewel - 0L Gift 
 At  Hello Beautiful

 BoWillow - Misunderstood GACHA - Skeli Boots

Dorks - 2nd outfit - Rebal Outfit (Includes Top, pants. Shoes not shown)
Mandala - Yakushi - Earrings

Melonopolis - Pumpkin Collar (previous hunt item -0L)

Mons - Moon Bindi

Puft - Rhythm Hair

Sherbert - Skeleton Phone - 0L gift
  Available @ Atp till 10/25/16

Vadiya - Jada (edges)  - Omega Applier

Wishes - Pumpkin Headband - 0L gift 
Available @ Atp till 10/25/16

Wishes - Skeleton Headband - 0L gift

Snaphappy Poses - Gretchin (pose 1)


Doodlez - Pumpkinsaurus - 0L gift

Half-Deer - Starlit Spiderweb 

La Boheme - Manicure - Egyptian Lines Gold (Omega applier)

Lil Snookums - GACHA -  Black Ghost Buddy

Sherbert - Trick or Treat Tree 2

Salt & Pepper - White Spider -  Arachnophilia Gacha Guardian gift - 0L gift

Silvery K - White Pumpkin - The Season's Story  - 0L Gift

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Adventure #40 - What Is Most Essential...

Little Miss Trudy has just found her new favorite bed time story, can you guess what it is? ^.^

Upon falling in love with the book, Little Miss Trudy had to pay homage to the Little Asteroid Prince in her own little way.

Trudy is wearing ...

Ohmai - Newreem Hair

ButtonStache - Asteroid Prince Outfit (includes scarf and shoes)


Ohmai - Pigpunzel Softtoy - Old freebie gift

MishMish/Ohmai - Supernova Fatpack  (sold at MishMish, hangers can be unlinked)
- LED Drapery
- Uralia (blue planet)
- Groddle (green planet) 
- Staaar

ANC - Garden - Rose RARE

She also convinced her best friend, Kai to join in on the cuteness!  They ran into the neighbor's yard before I could reign them in and would you believe that he owned a plane ?

Ahhh...the bond of friendship.

As adorable as they are, these two are quite the rascals!

They somehow convinced that retired pilot to take them up in his beauty of a plane.
I'm afraid I should have warned him that those two girls can be a handful together...

But I'm certain the poor sap will come to that conclusion on his own soon enough

Trudy is also wearing...

ButtonStache - Little Girl Outfit (includes shirt, skirt, scarf and shoes that are not shown)

Boomerang - Classic Bows Shoes

Belle Epoque - Linn Headband (previous texture change group gift)

Toddleedoo - Hand Poses

Poor Sap is wearing...

ButtonStache - Pilot Hat/Goggles (sold seperately)

1st outfit

ButtonStache - Asteroid Pilot Costume (includes white scarf not shown)
Sizes : Rigged XS, S, M, L and XL

2nd Outfit
Old Man Pilot Costume
Sizes : Rigged XS, S, M, L and XL

 Decor ...

Half-Deer - Simple Could - Pink 

What Next - GACHA - Wearable Airplane - Tornado

Friday, October 7, 2016

Photo-Op #27 - Prepping For Halloween

Little Miss Trudy still has yet to shake the effects of that terrible dream of hers! This won't do of course! Halloween will be here soon and she can't be hiding away in her home when there will be an abundance of candy and other treats to be had! So in the mean time, she's preparing!

She's ready for that impending candy haul with a practical but appropriate handbag...

And of course...a trusty backpack! It is not enough you have plastic bags anymore! A backpack is far more tear resistant! And the extra space comes in handy if you're like a certain trendy Little Diva who likes to tweak her outfits throughout the day -.-

 Little Miss Trudy ventured out for a few trail runs.

Even found time to pose here...

 ...and there.

Until finally, she drew up the courage to venture over to ATP's Halloween Town ! Look! She made a new (and rather haggish) friend. I think she will be alright. Don't you?

Trudy is wearing...

Analog Dog - Gabby (Hair 1)
Analog Dog -  Proud Mary (Hair 2)

Doe - Included in Vacation Hair Set - Glasses - Texture Change 

ButtonStache - Autumn Solid Knit Scarf - GACHA RARE is texture change

Kidorable -  FullVillano and Villana Full Outfits shown below. 
Includes beanie, top, bottom and sneakers
 Available @ Atp till 10/25/16

Pink Hustler - Pompom Earrings - OL Gift - Texture change

HoodLums - Spooks Bag - Texture Change

Hoodlums - Spooks Backpack  

 Adolescents  - Biker Leggings - Blue (additional 5 colors not shown)

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Photo-Op #26 - Fresh Air To Clear The Head

After experiencing that horrible dream, Little Miss Trudy needed a day out, to get some crisp, fresh air.

Got the girl out in the open with a camera on her face! It certainly put a smile on that adorable mug!

Trudy is wearing...

Blues  Hair - Celeste

Vicarious Youth - Cutest Apple In The Orchad Outfit

Vicarious Youth - Cutest Apple In The Orchad - Shoes - OL Gift 

Trudy was visiting Warm Springs

Photo-Op #815 - A Radiant Lurking

- Wearing - Celesticat - Cosmic Eyes Vae Victis - "Atropa" - Eye Flower Vae Victis - "Moloch" - Diabolic Horns Vae Vict...