Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Adventure #7 - Float Like A Butterfly And Sting Like A Bee

Who says you can't be cute AND a tough little cookie. Not Trudy. She was feeling extra feisty over the weekend and picked up boxing, of all things!

Oh my! Someone has quite the left hook!
TRUDY: I wanna be a fighter like Laila Ali! I'm gonna have a ring name too like Kaity. It's gonna be Thumping Thundercat Trudy!
[British Narrator Guy looks amused]
Thumping Thundercat Trudy! Well, that sounds feisty.
TRUDY : Yea! But I'm still gonna be fancy!
[British Narrator Guy just laughs]
Of course you are, sweetheart!
Ahem! Now where was I ? Ah yes...Trudy was also feeling extra adventurous. She somehow got her little hands on an X-wing fighter. Apparently one of her friends is terribly Allergic To Pink and handed it over.



And we have lift off!
Trudy is wearing...
Eyewear - Cody's Goggles from Bauhaus ( past gift in Shiny Shabby Aniversary event)
Outfit - Fabulous from Spoiled One
Gloves - Boxing Gloves Gacha from Boomerang
Plane - X- wing fighter Diva from Boomerang

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Adventure #6 - It Feels Like Spring!

It's spring! And you know what that means! A certain little Mayako is likely to be sprucing up her wardrobe with adorable new pieces.  
Trudy was hopping about at the recently opened Project Walkabout. It is a sales event with prices slashed until March 31st. So be sure to stop by the respective stores if you want a nifty item at a sensational price. Trudy picked up this lovely floral print dress. She really loves it.
Look this way Trudy! Smile! That's my girl!
Another favorite was this little chickadee that you can heft up when you go afk. Cute. Doesn't it just chirp " I'm ready for Easter?"

Trudy is wearing...
Outfit - Trudy (Flowers) from Meshy Me
Chick - AFK Chick from Boomerang (multiple colors available)

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Adventure #5 - If You Like it, Then You Better Throw A Rug On It


Ohai! It's your friendly neighborhood tot, Trudy! I wanted to spruce up my already awesomesauce room with more awesomeness.

The floor was looking lonely, not to mention bare so I said to myself, Trudy Mayako, you gotta throw a rug on that thang! So I did! 

But not just ANY rug. I got me the nifty Kidtime Playtime Rug from Spaz-Tastik !


 It lets you do all kinds of stuff like  coloring and exercising.

And when you gets hungry from doing ALL that fun stuff it feeds you milk and cookies. I mean how awesome is that!! If I didn't love my friends and family so much I'd NEVER come out of my room with this rug...well maybe to use the bathroom and take baths.  So make sure you run over there as quick as your little feet can carry you to check it out at the very least. 

[Looks around then drops her voice and beckons you in closer]  
Come closer...yea...closer. Now you didn't hear it from me, but I have it on very good authority that some parentals put kids in time out for being bad and stuff. If you're a crafty kid like myself, you could probably convince your parents that you absolutely don't want to go to time out on this rug. You know, use that reverse psychomocology on them!  I mean a rug that's comfy and gives you milk and cookies ??? You'd want to misbehave JUST to get put in time out! I'm serious! It's that good!
In case you were curious, Trudy is wearing...
Foxy Jumper from Stray Kitties

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Adventure #4 - Inspired.

Good Saturday to all! I hope you've been enjoying the outdoors today? Certainly no reason to stay INdoors. Trudy had the idea! She was out at the Allergic to Pink kids event window--! TRUDY! Good gracious, child! What ever are you doing over there? You're too close to the edge!

[Trudy can be seen in the distance and is chanting something. Her arms are raised up to the sky, her pet, Mr Peebles, in her hands. Mr Peebles is NOT amused. ]

Trudy : Wha?
[Doesn't stop what she's doing]
Sweetheart please move back a bit

[Stops long enough to scoot back]

Trudy: Ohmygawd I got fruitloops on my body! Ohmygawd I got fruitloops on my body!

What are you singing, sweetheart?
The Lion King!
Oh! You mean ..."The Circle of Life." I don't think those are quite the words, Trudy.
[Gives the British Narrator Guy a look as if to say 'I think I know the words to the lion king cause I've only watched it like 20 times']

Trudy's wearing...
Outfit : Lion by Intrigue Co.
Mr Peebles  - Ferret To Hold from Mishmish


Friday, March 11, 2016

Adventure #3 - Going to School is cool!

Guess what? Trudy went to school yesterday. She was considering not going to class but her friend Kaity cheerfully dragged her along.
So she put on a new outfit, did her hair and grabbed her backpack before running out the door. 
And here is Kaity! You should know that Kaity had a good bowel movement yesterday She seems oddly preoccupied with "pooping" on a daily basis while making certain that others are informed of her success. She's rather proud of that fact as a regular bowel movement is sign of a healthy digestive system. She made sure to go to the boy's bathroom because she didn't like the pink toilets in the girl's bathroom. Trudy however likes to think that Kaity went to the boy's bathroom so she would not "stink up" the girl's bathroom. Ah, Kaity, always the considerate one, that girl.
 Kaity also brought her sister, Imoni.  Imoni is a cute girl but as you can see, has an unfortunate mice infestation problem. She seems rather bonkers over them so we won't say anything!


Hmm.Well back to studies while looking cute and fancy!
In case you were curious, Trudy's wearing...
Hair: Tootsie - Analog Dog
Backpack - Mr Pengu Backpack, Baby Pink (from OMYGACHA)  Epic
Outfit : Gingham pink - Perfectly Posh

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Adventure #2 - Soaking Up Some Sun!

[British Narrator Guy]

Hello there! A most wonderful day in SL. Trudy decided she wanted to spend it in the outdoors. She however couldn't decide what bathing outfit she had to wear. At first she thought she'd wear her extra fancy smancy bathing suit with "the pretteh glitter".

 She had me take pictures from this and that angle but still wasn't satisfied because though she looked cute, she REALLY wanted to look cute. So back in the house she went, changed and came out in this adorable little number.
  I don't know if you know this, but Trudy's favorite color is blue and it shows. Oh my! She even came back with a completely different 'do to complement her lovely bikini. Such a little fashionista! Even I have to say, you go girl! 

Now being satisfied with how she looked, little miss Trudy jumped into her family pool for a refreshing swim.

  Ah tot life is good!
Trudy is wearing ...
Outfit 1
Hair - Li from Analog Dog
Earrings -  Ohashisama earrings from Mandala
Bikini/shades/slippers - Red Miss Glitterbug Swimsuit from Meshy Me
Towel -  Lil Big Me (Old group gift)
Outfit 2
Hair - Amy from  Monso
Earrings - Lala  from Pure Poison (Old Group Gift)
Bikini/slippers - Dotty Blue Bikini from Meshy Me

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Adventure #1 - Everything is Rosey!

Ohai! I'm feeling extra fancy in my outfit from Sammich Fixins available at the Kid to Kid Event.
Especially cause they came with the pretty capris and these spiffy rose sandals!

And check out the kyoot floral necklace that comes with the 'fit as well. I thought the free earrings by Plastik were a nice add to complement the look. Oh! You didn't know about the free earrings and the buttload of other gifties at Shiny Shabby?(Happy Anniversary SS!) Well now you did! Better get to it! Freebies don't wait for no one!
I'm wearing...
Outfit : Rose from Sammich Fixins in  Kid to Kid Event
Earrings (Free) : Bhajin earrings - Ara Teenies set from Plastik in Shiny Shabby
Bag : Little Chi - In a bag - Grey (Old Gacha) from Birdy

You Are Cordially Invited!

Good Day and welcome all! You might be asking, who IS this faceless but marvelously articulate entity before you. Well, I am fondly known to a certain adorable little girl :points up: as The British Narrator Guy. Guy will do nicely as well.

Yes, I am her imaginary friend/butler/babysitter. I also like to think I keep her out of trouble. You cannot IMAGINE the extraordinary things my young charge gets into when her parents are otherwise engaged! It is a full time job.
That being said, it is my pleasure to say that little Miss Trudy Mayako has requested I assist her in cataloguing all her adventures as she navigates the wondrous land of Second Life.
Please stay tuned as she makes lovely friends, has fantastic tea parties and simply has a rollicking fun time of it all while being wonderfully fancy :Peeks over at Trudy: Did I do that right little Miss Trudy?
Trudy : Gives him two thumbs up:

Photo-Op #815 - A Radiant Lurking

- Wearing - Celesticat - Cosmic Eyes Vae Victis - "Atropa" - Eye Flower Vae Victis - "Moloch" - Diabolic Horns Vae Vict...