Saturday, March 12, 2016

Adventure #4 - Inspired.

Good Saturday to all! I hope you've been enjoying the outdoors today? Certainly no reason to stay INdoors. Trudy had the idea! She was out at the Allergic to Pink kids event window--! TRUDY! Good gracious, child! What ever are you doing over there? You're too close to the edge!

[Trudy can be seen in the distance and is chanting something. Her arms are raised up to the sky, her pet, Mr Peebles, in her hands. Mr Peebles is NOT amused. ]

Trudy : Wha?
[Doesn't stop what she's doing]
Sweetheart please move back a bit

[Stops long enough to scoot back]

Trudy: Ohmygawd I got fruitloops on my body! Ohmygawd I got fruitloops on my body!

What are you singing, sweetheart?
The Lion King!
Oh! You mean ..."The Circle of Life." I don't think those are quite the words, Trudy.
[Gives the British Narrator Guy a look as if to say 'I think I know the words to the lion king cause I've only watched it like 20 times']

Trudy's wearing...
Outfit : Lion by Intrigue Co.
Mr Peebles  - Ferret To Hold from Mishmish


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