Sunday, March 6, 2016

You Are Cordially Invited!

Good Day and welcome all! You might be asking, who IS this faceless but marvelously articulate entity before you. Well, I am fondly known to a certain adorable little girl :points up: as The British Narrator Guy. Guy will do nicely as well.

Yes, I am her imaginary friend/butler/babysitter. I also like to think I keep her out of trouble. You cannot IMAGINE the extraordinary things my young charge gets into when her parents are otherwise engaged! It is a full time job.
That being said, it is my pleasure to say that little Miss Trudy Mayako has requested I assist her in cataloguing all her adventures as she navigates the wondrous land of Second Life.
Please stay tuned as she makes lovely friends, has fantastic tea parties and simply has a rollicking fun time of it all while being wonderfully fancy :Peeks over at Trudy: Did I do that right little Miss Trudy?
Trudy : Gives him two thumbs up:

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