Friday, March 11, 2016

Adventure #3 - Going to School is cool!

Guess what? Trudy went to school yesterday. She was considering not going to class but her friend Kaity cheerfully dragged her along.
So she put on a new outfit, did her hair and grabbed her backpack before running out the door. 
And here is Kaity! You should know that Kaity had a good bowel movement yesterday She seems oddly preoccupied with "pooping" on a daily basis while making certain that others are informed of her success. She's rather proud of that fact as a regular bowel movement is sign of a healthy digestive system. She made sure to go to the boy's bathroom because she didn't like the pink toilets in the girl's bathroom. Trudy however likes to think that Kaity went to the boy's bathroom so she would not "stink up" the girl's bathroom. Ah, Kaity, always the considerate one, that girl.
 Kaity also brought her sister, Imoni.  Imoni is a cute girl but as you can see, has an unfortunate mice infestation problem. She seems rather bonkers over them so we won't say anything!


Hmm.Well back to studies while looking cute and fancy!
In case you were curious, Trudy's wearing...
Hair: Tootsie - Analog Dog
Backpack - Mr Pengu Backpack, Baby Pink (from OMYGACHA)  Epic
Outfit : Gingham pink - Perfectly Posh

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