Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Adventure #2 - Soaking Up Some Sun!

[British Narrator Guy]

Hello there! A most wonderful day in SL. Trudy decided she wanted to spend it in the outdoors. She however couldn't decide what bathing outfit she had to wear. At first she thought she'd wear her extra fancy smancy bathing suit with "the pretteh glitter".

 She had me take pictures from this and that angle but still wasn't satisfied because though she looked cute, she REALLY wanted to look cute. So back in the house she went, changed and came out in this adorable little number.
  I don't know if you know this, but Trudy's favorite color is blue and it shows. Oh my! She even came back with a completely different 'do to complement her lovely bikini. Such a little fashionista! Even I have to say, you go girl! 

Now being satisfied with how she looked, little miss Trudy jumped into her family pool for a refreshing swim.

  Ah tot life is good!
Trudy is wearing ...
Outfit 1
Hair - Li from Analog Dog
Earrings -  Ohashisama earrings from Mandala
Bikini/shades/slippers - Red Miss Glitterbug Swimsuit from Meshy Me
Towel -  Lil Big Me (Old group gift)
Outfit 2
Hair - Amy from  Monso
Earrings - Lala  from Pure Poison (Old Group Gift)
Bikini/slippers - Dotty Blue Bikini from Meshy Me

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