Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Adventure # 24 - Butterfly Wishes

Mr British Narrator Guy, is it true if you make a wish upon a star it comes true?Like in Pinocchio?

Hmm...Well Trudy, the truth is sometimes wishes come true,  and sometimes they don't. What's important is that your wish is coming from a good place, in this case, your heart, in effort to accomplish something wonderful. Did you wish on a star?

[Trudy nods, her sweet little face focused in recollection]

I think I wished on a star in my dream. Can I tell you about it?

Well of course, Miss Trudy! You are my tru-est friend. You can tell me anything you want. It's my pleasure to listen.

[This puts a smile on the little girl's face]

Well... in my dream, I was sleeping! I woke up with wings and a tiara! I think I was a butterfly princess! I was wearing this pretty dress and had the most beeeeea-u-tiful wings! An umbrella floated by and I reached for it. It was so pretty, like my dress. I caught it! But then it kept trying to fly away. I was waaaay up in the air! I could see the sky, it was a funny color.  

 It wasn't daytime or nighttime but there were lots of stars. I tried to make a wish but they were really really far and they went by really fast. I think I was crying...cause I couldn't make my wish. But then ....but THEN a big British voice asked me what was wrong. He kinda sounded like you! I looked up and it was a big blue fuzzy bunny. I told him I really wanted to catch one of those stars...but I couldn't fly close enough and I couldn't  make my wish. He was so nice, Mr British Narrator Guy! He lassoed a star down so I could touch it...and make my wish!

I wished that no matter what was making my family and friends sad, that I would always be able to make them feel betters, even if it was just for a little while.

Awww, Miss Trudy! That's a lovely wish!

Mmhmm, I know. I could have wished that Kaity's farts weren't walking-dead-toxic...or that Sami wasn't such a cheater  at Skippy...

Umm...Miss Trudy...?

Or that Cae wasn't a short, cootie colonizing---


 [Trudith just sits there with a big mischievious grin on her face]


Trudy is wearing...

 Candy Cloud*Francis White Lace Umbrella
Erratic* Pearl Earrings  EAE Gacha
Sammich Fixins*Wings - Butterfly Girl Gacha at Brick Lane
Stray Kitties* Lisabeth Dress @ Tous Les Enfants
 Swallow*Tiara (groupgift)

Monday, May 23, 2016

Photo-Op #4

Hello, hello! Looking for little Miss Trudy are we?

 Well I believe I heard her rustling up in the attic. Ah kids and their imaginations. She's probably playing with the old dolls up there.

Not that I'm complaining. Its a nice deviation from her changing outfit after outfit to take pictures I tell you.  Perhaps I'll get a break --
Mister British Narrator Guy?
Yes Trudy?

Can you please bring the camera. I'm ready for my close up!!!
[BNG gives a loud sigh]
Trudy is wearing
Spoiled One*Keila Dress - Comes with shoes and headband (not shown) at May ATP
Wasabi Pills*Claudette Hair
Amorous*Hellig Earrings
Toddleteez* Rose Corsage Hairpin RARE  and Pretzel Stick Sprinkles RARE, GACHA
Sugar & Spice*Pearl Necklace and Bracelet (in Posh and Plaid Outfit)
 Birdy*Lil Bull BB - Grey
Half-Deer*Fairy Curtain
Remarkable Oblivion * Dress Form Mannequin(group gift), Iva Plague Doll GACHA
Scarlett Creative *Greenwich Trunk Light
Zaara* Antique Telephone

Friday, May 20, 2016




Does one really need a reason to dress up and take photos?? Apparently, the  answer is no, according to little Miss Trudy.


She SOMEHOW got her hands on some new outfits, tried them on then fused them to make new pieces.

She is rather creative...I'm tempted to forget the accumulating expenses for these purchases! However, I'm more concerned she's a bit of a shopaholic! T.T

Trudy is wearing...

Outfit #1

Toddleteez*Lil Cruiser (Includes shades, necklace, top, shorts, ankle bracelet and sandals)  @ Color Me Cute

Outfit #2

Babyburp* Roses of Rain (includes top, leggings and sneakers) currently @ Penumbra Fashion Show

Other accessories...

Wasabi Pills*Coral Hair
Amorous*Hellig Earrings
The Soda Pop Shop*Princess Tote Bag GACHA @ The Playroom

Trudy visited The Petite Village

Saturday, May 14, 2016


Mister British Narrator Guy!!? Mister British Narrator Guy! Look at me!

[BNG looks over to note Trudy wearing a lovely peach colored dress]
I got  another dress that is gonna be at the PENUMBRA Fashion Week. Isn't it pretty?? Just LOOK at all the roses!!!

[He nods in agreement as she poses this way and that.]
Oh, yes, quite lovely.
And look!


[She appears to rip the long flowing skirt into two ...with surprising ease]
Miss Trudy! What did you do that for??


[Trudy raises one cute little eyebrow, then rolls her eyes]'s velcro, Mister British Narrator Guy!
Yesh! It's versatile!!
[BNG did NOT know she was familiar with the word. Trudy has already moved on to admire her reflection in a mirror.]!!!
Trudy is  wearing...
Outfit by Toddleteez
Fleur Cherie (Headband, earrings, necklace, flower basket and shoes included!)
Baby*Glam Summer Glasses
Toddleteez*Glam Retro Glasses-Gold GACHA
Toddleteez showcase - Wednesday May 18, 2016 @ 4:30PM              
Penumbra Fashion Main Facebook

Penumbra Toddleedoo Experience Facebook

Thursday, May 12, 2016


[Trudy can be heard squealing excitedly through the house]

Mr British Narrator Guy! Mr British Narrator Guy! There's gonna be a fashion show for adults AND For kids like me! Look! Loooooook!

[SWOOSH! She appears by a startled BNG's side holding up a  notice, PENUMBRA Fashion Week boldly written at the top]

Can we go puh-leeeeease?
[Gives her most winning, dimpled smile as she stares up at him]
Hmm ...yes I suppose--
And look! I already bought the outfits
[SWOOSH! She's back before him again wearing a new outfit, BNG does a double-take]

When did you-?
And look this ALSO looks great on meh too!
[SWOOSH! She's changed yet again. BNG does a triple-take]

How did you change so-
[Trudy drags BNG  outside by the hand]
Take pictures of meh Mister British Narrator Guy! Puhlease!!
Miss Trudy!! Now listen here!!
[Flashes her patented Power Cutie look, cause she's really, really, really THAT ridiculously cute  ^.^]

...With tea and crumpets on top??
[BNG can be heard sighing with reluctance, followed by the sounds of a camera flashing soon after. Trudy's infectious giggles fill the air]
Yayyy this is going in my scrapbook!! I can't wait to see the little tot models!! It's gonna be awwwwwesome!

 Trudy is wearing

Outfits in order by BoWillow  (comes with hat eyeware and shoeware)

Hi Felicia!
You Can Sit With Us 
Hipster In Gray
Blues Hair*Bonao
Glamrus kidz* Earthy Waters - Sunnyflower Headband GACHA
Maxi Gossamer*Hampton Boho Earrings
Toddleteez*Pretzel Stick Chocolate (GACHA - mouth and hand version available) @ ATP
Meshy Me*Basseterre Bracelets
Fashion Week Begins: Saturday, May 14, 2016!!
BoWillow Showcase on Monday May 16, 2016 @ 4:30PM            
Penumbra Fashion Main Facebook
Penumbra Toddleedoo Experience Facebook
Look forward to seeing you all there!

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Adventure #23 - A Brite For A Day!

Trudy is at it again today, playing dressup! She came upon an episode of Rainbow Brite on youtube and has been obsessed with putting together an outfit so she can be an honorary sprite.
A Brite never looked  so fierce! 

Trudy is a wearing...

Blues Hair*Allie
Mons*Moon Bindi-Rosegold
Dear Deer*Donut Earrings
Izzie's*80's Rainbow Bangles
Bubblegums*So Brite Outfit now @ ATP

Trudy visited Pixels

Adventure #22 - A Pretty Panda

It's not a secret that little Miss Trudy LOVES pandas.

She saw this lovely panda dress and absolutely had to have it. I'm quite certain she has enough panda-themed items to create a shrine!

She even picked out the little accessories for the outfit by herself!
So awwdorable
Trudy is wearing...
Blues Hair*Nori
Toddleteez*Rose Corsage Hair Pin [White]  RARE, Rose Corsage Hair Pin [Blush] RARE, Rose Hair Pin [White], Rose Hair Pin [Blush]   (Included in Rose Hair Pins GACHA) @ Hello Beautiful
Toddleteez*Pretzel Stick  Sprinkles RARE (comes in mouth and hand version with texture change HUD) now @ ATP
Mandala*Shippoah Earrings-Gold&Silver, Bracelet-Pearl Rain Season 3 Pink
CutieCakes*Panda Dressy (comes with flats not shown) @ ATP
Dream* Rose Sandals (limited group gift)
Trudy is visiting Astralia

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Adventure #21- "If Every Porkchop Were Perfect, We Wouldn't Have Hotdogs!"

Hi! It's meh, Trudy! I love, love, love merry-go-rounds! So soothing  and yet so much fun!

I always take my rides first when I'm at a fair. That's so I don't get sick and upchuck all over the place! 

THEN, after rides I eat all my favorites

Like burgers,fries and soda! And hotdogs!! Boy I love hotdogs ...with mustard and ketchup. Yummy!!!

 I'm wearing...

Boomerang*Straight Outta Timeout - Tees Gacha (all commons) now @ Grabby Hands
 PLUM*Luca Jeans-Spots
  Tic Tot Toe* Snack food (Burger or Hotdogs with the fries and soda) now @ ATP

I am @  Petit Macaron Mainstore

Photo-Op #815 - A Radiant Lurking

- Wearing - Celesticat - Cosmic Eyes Vae Victis - "Atropa" - Eye Flower Vae Victis - "Moloch" - Diabolic Horns Vae Vict...