Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Photo-Op #2

Vanity Hair*Flowers A (old gift)
Meshy Me*Red Poppy Dress @ ATP starting May 1
(Includes shoes)

Trudy visited The Outer Garden

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Adventure #17 - A Little Moon Princess

Hiiiiya! It's meh! Trudy! Today I woke up and decided I wanted to be a moon princess. And you know what ? I found this dress in my closet. I don't know how it got there! It's like...I wished for it and it magically appeared!  It was too cute not to wear. I could just imagine myself on another world. Princess Trudy has a nice ring to it, don'tcha think?

Cubic Cherry* Whimsical Garden Gacha*Fluffy Tree RARE  

Half-Deer* Flowerhead Goldfish-

Half-Deer*Celestial Glass Stone Blue

Cubic Cherry*Whimsical Garden Gacha*Swing* @ Guardians of Gacha

I'm wearing...
Analog Dog Hair*Mash
Maxi Gossamer*Hampton Boho Earrings and Bracelet (color change)
Sugar&Spice*Moon Princess Sky

Monday, April 18, 2016

Adventure #16 A Fun Day Ends With Much Needed Rest

Today was another enjoyable day! At this moment, little Miss Trudy is trying to decide what she wants to wear for bedtime. In the meantime I'll catch you up to speed on what we did today. 
Well, apparently we were long overdue but Trudy felt that she ought to join the lollipop guild. We visited a store that was...nothing but pink   T.T  And no...that is not a pacifier you're seeing.  It's candy...trust me. >.< A pacifier shaped piece of  candy! After all, "only babies need pacifiers" and according to my little miss ...

[Trudy can be heard in the back ground]

Trudy :  I'm a big girl! I'm five!

Yes, Trudy! You are indeed a big girl!

[BNG can be heard chuckling]

Anyhoo, once we were finished at the candy store, I took Trudy home to change into something a bit more comfortable . We then went over to the neighbor's to help them wash their dog. Trudy loves dogs!

Then my gal changed into yet another outfit  >.< Yes... I KNOW. She takes a lot of joy in changing her outfits.

Look at my little leopard in the shade, ready to pounce! So adorably fierce!


[Looks over at the bed to find  that a very tired Trudy has fallen asleep in bed. BNG smiles warmly and slowly takes a picture]

Trudy is wearing...

Outfit 1 - Ruby Ashley* Lollipop Outfit @ ATP til April 30
Outfit 2 - Lil' Sprout* This Lil' Monster Is 5 @ ATP til April 30
Outfit 3 - Meshy Me*Leopard Loungewear@ ATP til April 30
Outfit 4 - Stray Kitties* Loungy Jammies ATP til April 30

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Photo-Op #1

 Weekend! Mister British Narrator Guy is off like usual. Now, I'm no photographer, but when you look THIS cute. You take pictures regardless! So I'm working it!

 Blues Hair*Allie
Real Evil*Kitty Bracelet (The Seasons Story)

Nimble*Lizbeth Dress Native

 Half-Deer* Fairylight Balloons

Raspbery Inc.* Mirror (gold)

AR * Prince & Knights - Rug
 Dust Bunny* Rose Table (gacha)

Dust Bunny* Suitcase Chair (gacha)

Erratic* English Roses (gacha)
Silent Sparrow * Weenie - Rosa (gacha)
 Baby Princess * Glam Summer Glasses (color change)

Real Evil * Kitty Watch (color change)

Maxi Gossamer * Unicorn Maiden Star Earrings (color change)

Babysteps *Cloud Shoes

Silent Sparrow *Corgi -Blythe- RARE gacha

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Adventure #15 - Just Posing In The Outdoors!

Took Trudy out to get a bit of fresh air. You wouldn't believe how many shirts this girl has! And she insisted on changing for each new photo short T.T. Suffice to say, I have a little diva on my hands! ^.^

Trudy is wearing...
Blues Hair*Bonao (Group Gift Fatpack!)
Lil Scamp - Monkey Gacha (Comes in multiple colors) @ ATP
PLUM*Luca Jeans-Spots

Adventure #14 - Meeting With The Minions!

 Ah sweet Trudy is settled down entertaining some minions, eh...friends. I'm not entirely certain that their preference is cupcakes. ^.^ Makes you wonder, just who is going to be eating all those delicious cupcakes!



Décor ...
B.C.C/Sweet Strawberry Gacha/Blue Chair
Daintree/Mumbo Jumbo Owl/Owls/ Bird Cage Lemon @ ATP
Razzbery Inc. / Pig-A-Palooza Gacha Set /Teal Chairs/Cupcakes/Table
Razzberry Inc. /Garden Party Gacha Set/ Lemon Slices/Kettle/ Sugar Bowl
Razzberry Inc./Reflections Gacha Set/Lighted Brances in Jug/ Mirror
Trudy is wearing...
Blues Hair/ Thea
Kawaii Couture/Saucey's Chocolate Bar Earrings
Mishmish/Fat Bird Necklace
Sammich Fixins/ Lotus Dress @ ATP

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Adventure #13 - Trudy Meets A Real Mermaid!!

I took little miss Trudy to a nearby beach this morning. She was rather adorable in her little mermaid swimsuit. She wandered off from me however. I was frantic with worry! The sweet child can be so independent- minded. But wouldn't you know it, by the time I had tracked her down, she was talking the ears off a very patient and attentive woman ...with a tail. 

[Trudy contributes excitedly]
She had a shark tail! And she was really nice. Her name was Avie
She took pictures with me  and told me about a human that she liked and was hoping would be her boyfriend..

Then she combed my hair with a conch cause it had tangled up some!
[British Narrator Guy smiles]
Trudy is wearing...
Analog Dog Hair* Gemma
Toddleeteez*Mermaid Princess Outfit
Birdy*Feesh pet-Tropical

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Adventure #12 - Utter Panda-monium

I went to tuck my sweet little miss Trudy into bed but didn't find her in room. Where I DID find her was in a guestroom plotting to take over the world with her army of stuffed...pandas?? O.o

Suffice to say I slowly backed out of the room without being seen. I am rather certain I would have been accosted with extreme cuteness and kept on a steady diet of milk and cookies to provent me from sharing what I saw tonight ^.^
AR*Cotton Panda Set
Lil Cathys* Octopeas Season 1 Animals - Panda  @ The Playroom til 4/30/16
Trudy is wearing...
Puft*Rhythm hair
Lil Cathys*K-Pop Panda
Razzberry Inc. *Panda Fannypack -Bow

Photo-Op #815 - A Radiant Lurking

- Wearing - Celesticat - Cosmic Eyes Vae Victis - "Atropa" - Eye Flower Vae Victis - "Moloch" - Diabolic Horns Vae Vict...