Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Adventure #11 - Entertaining the Funkehmonkehs

 A splendid day for this imaginary friend to spend with his adorable young charge. I found little miss Trudy in her room rearranging furniture to rather loud, grooving dance music. She had already taken a shower and dressed herself early. Usually she's in her closet taking what feels like AGES to pick out an outfit. I looked in on her and wouldn't you know it, she's lounging on the couch entertaining some guests!


Mister British Narrator Guy? Can you please get our most yummiest cookies and our finest milk for my guests, Mr and Mrs Funkehmonkeh?

[BNG tries his best not to burst out laughing and replies with near perfect florish]


Oh my! And would they be needing any banana desserts?

[Trudy replies rather matter of factly]

What? Of course not. You KNOW they are allergic to bananas!

[Can't help but grin wide and turns away to hunt down some of their "yummiest cookies" and "finest milk" as Trudy runs over to change the music playing out of her retro speakers

 Of course, my apologies.


SwanCloud Creations*Cloud/Star Lamp
Lisp*Mesh Faded Summer Rug
Synsational Shorties* My Lil Monkeh Set  (Love the numerous animations]
Talented Tots* Music Gacha (Very fun set, especially the speakers!!)

Trudy is wearing...
Hair : Analog Dog*Gemma
Top and sneakers - Unicorn Cupcake*Monkey Tee @ ATP
Bottom - Plum Clothing*Play Shorts Dark Rip

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