Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Adventure #13 - Trudy Meets A Real Mermaid!!

I took little miss Trudy to a nearby beach this morning. She was rather adorable in her little mermaid swimsuit. She wandered off from me however. I was frantic with worry! The sweet child can be so independent- minded. But wouldn't you know it, by the time I had tracked her down, she was talking the ears off a very patient and attentive woman ...with a tail. 

[Trudy contributes excitedly]
She had a shark tail! And she was really nice. Her name was Avie
She took pictures with me  and told me about a human that she liked and was hoping would be her boyfriend..

Then she combed my hair with a conch cause it had tangled up some!
[British Narrator Guy smiles]
Trudy is wearing...
Analog Dog Hair* Gemma
Toddleeteez*Mermaid Princess Outfit
Birdy*Feesh pet-Tropical

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