Saturday, April 2, 2016

Adventure #9 - Ole McTrudy's On A Farm

[British Narrator Guy]
Happy Saturday all! You are just in time to catch me taking a few shots of my little darling ward who is....Good gracious, merciful heavens! Miss Trudy! What EVER do you have on your head!!
[Trudy gives BNG an odd look]
Wha? You mean my do? Do you love et? I call it "poop galore!"
[BNG frowns]
And why would you style your hair in that matter, dear child?
[Trudy states, quite matter of factly]
It's cause I knew we were coming to the farm. And a friend told me there's lots of poop there. Animals are pooping all OVER the place on anything that doesn't have poop on it. And I didn't want any animals pooping on meh. So I made my hair look like...
[BNG can be heard sighing and muttering]
Where did I go wrong with her!!!
[Trudy can be heard giggling her little head off as she makes an observation]
Look! Mister Moo-Moo is poopin'. He's poopin' ALL over the place while he's eating! Groooss!

Awww and one of the poor birdies passed out from all pooh!
[Trudy can be heard giggle-snorting while poor BNG  just shakes his head]
 Trudy is wearing...
Hair - Magika* Deuce *April Fool's Day Gift :)
Outfit - SprinklyWinks*Minecraft Overalls - Grass
Jewelry - Shiny Stuffs * Cream Aqua Feather Earrings
Jewelry - Meshy Me*Bassetare  Bracelets
Birdy * Wooly Cow - Ginge (Gacha)
Anc * Happyendpark - Color Little Chicken Bleach (Gacha)

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