Friday, April 1, 2016

Adventure #8 - Easter Goodies

[Sits down to type]
Hi! It's meh!Trudy! Now I know that Easter is over and all but that doesn't mean you can't still enjoy haunting for Easter goodies! Having missed out over the  weekend, I came upon The Magic of Oz 2016  Easter egg hunt, brought to you by your friendly merchants at Munchkinland.  It's pretty fun and colorful there! Great for taking pictures. A few super cute gifts are offered. My personal favs are the hearts in bubbles and the little peeps!

My personal favs are the hearts in bubbles and the little peeps!

Oh my gizzle!

I almost forgot the most important part! The hunt is over by April 8. So grab your fam, grab your besties and go, go, go!
I'm wearing...
Hair : Fresh Curls by Forever Young
Outfit: Sea Breeze by Lil Big Me
Stack of Eggs  @  TMOZ hunt
Plant - Rainbow Eggplant by Cerridwen's Cauldron @ TMOZ hunt
Birds - Sweetums by Silentsparrow @ TMOZ hunt
Amore bubble group -  Cubic Cherry Creations @ TMOZ hunt
Egg of Jewels - Half-Deer @ TMOZ hunt

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