Monday, April 18, 2016

Adventure #16 A Fun Day Ends With Much Needed Rest

Today was another enjoyable day! At this moment, little Miss Trudy is trying to decide what she wants to wear for bedtime. In the meantime I'll catch you up to speed on what we did today. 
Well, apparently we were long overdue but Trudy felt that she ought to join the lollipop guild. We visited a store that was...nothing but pink   T.T  And no...that is not a pacifier you're seeing.  It's me. >.< A pacifier shaped piece of  candy! After all, "only babies need pacifiers" and according to my little miss ...

[Trudy can be heard in the back ground]

Trudy :  I'm a big girl! I'm five!

Yes, Trudy! You are indeed a big girl!

[BNG can be heard chuckling]

Anyhoo, once we were finished at the candy store, I took Trudy home to change into something a bit more comfortable . We then went over to the neighbor's to help them wash their dog. Trudy loves dogs!

Then my gal changed into yet another outfit  >.< Yes... I KNOW. She takes a lot of joy in changing her outfits.

Look at my little leopard in the shade, ready to pounce! So adorably fierce!


[Looks over at the bed to find  that a very tired Trudy has fallen asleep in bed. BNG smiles warmly and slowly takes a picture]

Trudy is wearing...

Outfit 1 - Ruby Ashley* Lollipop Outfit @ ATP til April 30
Outfit 2 - Lil' Sprout* This Lil' Monster Is 5 @ ATP til April 30
Outfit 3 - Meshy Me*Leopard Loungewear@ ATP til April 30
Outfit 4 - Stray Kitties* Loungy Jammies ATP til April 30

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