Sunday, April 24, 2016

Adventure #17 - A Little Moon Princess

Hiiiiya! It's meh! Trudy! Today I woke up and decided I wanted to be a moon princess. And you know what ? I found this dress in my closet. I don't know how it got there! It's like...I wished for it and it magically appeared!  It was too cute not to wear. I could just imagine myself on another world. Princess Trudy has a nice ring to it, don'tcha think?

Cubic Cherry* Whimsical Garden Gacha*Fluffy Tree RARE  

Half-Deer* Flowerhead Goldfish-

Half-Deer*Celestial Glass Stone Blue

Cubic Cherry*Whimsical Garden Gacha*Swing* @ Guardians of Gacha

I'm wearing...
Analog Dog Hair*Mash
Maxi Gossamer*Hampton Boho Earrings and Bracelet (color change)
Sugar&Spice*Moon Princess Sky

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